Deep Space, Deep Thought ~ 12 May 2015

In the past hours Mars dipped into Gemini, joining Mercury who is just a week short of retrograding in what is being touted as a “beyond the beyond” Mercury retrograde. All because Mercury rules Gemini. Will words work or will communications knot into a ball of tangled psychic yarn?

Coming up, Thursday or Friday, depending upon where in the world you are, Mars in Gemini waves at Saturn from across the sky, as the ringed one retrogrades, getting closer and closer to a review interval in Scorpio. This alignment, and Mars’ continuing motion over the next weeks line up, through varying angles, with a collection of black holes in detail-oriented, “figure it out” Virgo and “you do understand the concept behind this, right?” Sagittarius.

Those with ideas respond to the opposition as if fertilized by the lords of fecundity. As it should be said, “From deep space comes deep thought.”

How do you capture these ideas? How can you savor being lost in thought, or as they say today, dialed in, head down? How can you become one of those plowing the fertilized fields of the cosmic thought holding conference overhead?

First, feel the buzz. For some, with Mars’ recent entry into Gemini, it’s happening already. For others, it may take a day or two longer. Regardless, throughout the next fortnight, everyone gets it... as in they receive the energy, whether they “get it” or what is hovering overhead for the getting. At first it seems like a caffeine buzz, a sugar rush, or a lack of synchronization between brain and body. It can be dizzying. It is certainly mind-changing... as in your mind changes from moment to moment as to where immediate attention need be applied.

Flex with it. Flow the best you can without too much cognitive processing. The demands of the day change moment to moment. Each e-mail, phone call and in person communication may suggest that you stop doing that - for the moment - and do this, which appears more time sensitive in this instant... and ultimately, the change of direction likely works well.

Indeed. It is a time for great mental flexibility, shifting of priorities, and redirecting creative output at the hottest source in any given moment. If you turn on your computer of a morning with a specific goal or deadline that must be accomplished within some preplanned time, it may be necessary to fuel the thoughts demanding your attention before getting on with the scheduled, time sensitive events. It’s a creative consciousness flow. Where your conscious alertness turns, so should output and activity. When done, resume normally scheduled programming.

This method prevents distraction, disruption, mental overwhelm, and clears the path for more to be done in less time than could have been previously imagined.

When you get a thought blip, turn to it and stick with it for 283 seconds. There’s an x-ray burst with one of these black holes that insists one spend slightly less than five minutes consciously focused on the new concept. Shifting and dedicating that interval of time to ponder, figure and write it down ensures nothing gets lost. This is how the multitude of cosmic thoughts seek out conscious craniums.

Those tracking the ideas flourish. They soar. Those folks receive recognition, kudos and compensation.

Those without ideas, won’t so much care for those with ideas and the benefits received, or those without ideas posting nonsense in cyberspace. Mars is coming to oppose Saturn. It is said, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That may have been loosely true before the Internet. Now with cyberspace, trolls, haters, and mind numb, heart ignoring bloggers and disingenuous attention seekers proliferate. Those without purpose and meaning, often get mean about the purposes and promulgation of others.

It’s easy to say, ignore them. Still, psychic sting lingers. With Mars and Saturn opposing, out of sight, out of mind does not work well as a “forget about it” methodology.

Disenfranchised people will think, add mouth and mind to those thoughts and will speak and post some less than stellar commentaries. You can choose not to engage with them, saving time, mental stress and emotional wellness.

Mercury retrograde is often what one makes of it. Editing, extreme attention to detail, and thinking before speaking can avert Mercury retrograde messes. Thinking long range and consequentially when challenged with an emotional knee jerk reaction goes a long way in preventing a communication blow up. This all saves time, energy and brain resources for more creative things.

During Mercury retrograde the fleet-footed messenger aligns with the Earth and the Sun. On that day, and that day alone, extremely effective, crystal clear communication prevails, resulting from conscious attention (Sun) directed clearly and cogently (Mercury) toward all matters mundane (Earth). In this Mercury retrograde this alignment occurs on May 30 - 31, depending upon geographic locale.

Maybe even more can be made of the upcoming motions of Mercury and Mars, realizing that while in Gemini, they make a series of aspects to the amplified compassion of Neptune in Pisces and the emotional/spiritual healing encouraged by Chiron swimming with the fish.

Perhaps we should all send good thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and propitiation to the planets and to the people of this planet. Those in shaken Nepal... and war-torn Syria... and Somalia... and Nigeria... and Iran... and Iraq, and to the downtrodden, hungry or ill in any country. And to those struggling to figure it out... or tormented by how to make their way. Perhaps by directing the essence of compassion with universal abandon, the nuggets seeking polishing are more readily gleaned. There’s only one way to find out.

Perhaps it is true. Saturn in Sag endorses and encourages thinking, speaking (Mercury) and enacting (Mars) as if deep thoughts come from deep space. Let it begin and so it goes.

More soon.